Every Body Festival 2024, UK

4 Days at a Naked Festival in the UK

Throughout the years, we’ve had the chance to participate in quite some naked events. There have been small gatherings that included a guitar and campfire, or sports tournaments, naked runs, family meetups, concerts, you name it. Some were better organised than others, but in most cases, we would walk away with at least a few good memories.   We never imagined though that one of the most entertaining events we’ve ever been to would be … Read more

Naked Day Tripping

Naked Day Trips

It always surprises us when we’re talking to people on a nude beach, how few of them have ever visited a naturist resort or campground. For a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s about misconceptions like a fear that you will be asked to be naked when you don’t really want to (which is almost never the case). Or it’s because they really love beaches. Quite some others just don’t feel much for a whole multi-day … Read more

Get Naked Australia: Sydney Harbour Cruise

How to Organise a Controversial Naked Event

Around 10 am, the first guests start arriving. Some still looking sleepy, recovering from yesterday’s night out, others already enjoying their first beer of the day. Most are roughly between the ages of 25 and 50. An Uber arrives to drop off the DJ. Several days earlier, she was still spinning records in Ibiza, but she seemed to have recovered surprisingly well from the jetlag. Or she just got very good at hiding it.   … Read more

How to find a great naked hiking trail

How to Find a Great Naked Hiking Trail

Maybe it’s wishful thinking, or maybe it’s because we’re meeting so many naturists around the world, but we truly have the feeling that naturism is growing. Within naturism, especially naked hiking seems to become more and more popular.   This doesn’t really come as a surprise to us. Many naturists we talk to like to be active, and the options are often a bit limited. Hiking or walking is an activity that can be enjoyed … Read more

WhatsApp Naturism

WhatsApp Naturism

The other day we were invited by a friend to visit their naturist camp. Not the kind of campsite that we’re used to in Europe, that’s open throughout the season and where people come and go. It was more like a pop-up camp. A group of naturists rented out a whole, usually textile, campsite just north of Cape Town and turned it naturist throughout the weekend.   This is not uncommon in South Africa, last … Read more

Dia al desnudo, Mexico's First public nudist event

Día al Desnudo: Mexico’s First Public Nudist Event

Angela de la Cruz Angela is a promotor of naturism and organiser of naturist events in Mexico. In this guest blog post, she will share her experiences at the “Día al Desnudo”, Mexico’s first public nudist event that happened in Guadalajara on July 2nd, 2022.     Back in 2020, Caro and I visited our friends Hector and Andrea at their home in Guadalajara to record some videos, and I remember that Héctor was talking … Read more

The Global Naturist Forum and the Future of Social Nudity

The Global Naturist Forum and the Future of Social Nudity

During the last several months, British Naturism has emerged as the pioneer of virtual naturist events. Online talks and workshops are organized on an almost daily basis during the covid pandemic and the cherry on the cake was their first Global Naturist Forum. Four sessions spread over two days, featuring naturist leaders and influencers from around the world.   With hundreds of participants during every session, it was definitely a success. It started off with … Read more

The Game of Naturists: Petanque

Petanque: The Game of Naturists

We have joked a lot about petanque over the years, in our blog posts, and in real life. Through naturist history, the balls have become an essential part of being a naturist (pun intended). Every naturist resort we ever visited had at least one petanque court. Often several more. Petanque tournaments are always on the naturist calendar. It’s what naturists like to do, throw a couple of big balls towards a small ball.   We’ve … Read more

The Freedom of Going Nude in Public Places

The Freedom of Going Nude in Public Places

Naturists tend to be easy-going people. We love to spend our days without clothes, relaxed, enjoying life in the nude. But if there’s one thing we like to complain about, it’s that we’re always stuck to designated areas. Like a fenced-off resort or a very well hidden nude beach that takes forever to get to, on an often dangerous journey via steep paths. Even in your own garden, which you’ve paid a significant amount of … Read more

Nude Online Meetups: The Next Step in Social Naturism?

Nude Online Meetups: The Next Step in Social Naturism?

The general opinion about naturism is that it’s something social. If you like to hang out in the nude while watching Netflix, you’re often considered “just a nude person”. Only when you frequent nude beaches or visit naturist clubs or resorts, spending time with other nudies, people start considering you a naturist.   Before we started Naked Wanderings, we didn’t have a clue about the existence of home naturism. Being nude at our home has … Read more