Why Social Nudity has Never Been Bigger than Today

Why Social Nudity is Larger than Ever

Is the end of naturism showing up on the horizon? Are we all becoming more prude than ever before? Are drones, smartphones, TikTok, and Instagram forcing our youth to put on another layer of clothing rather than take one off? Will new technology make sure that soon babies are born wearing pyjamas? Well, it is according to this article (except for the pyjama baby, we just made that up) and it’s the biggest bullshit we … Read more

Nudity as a Tool

Nudity as a Tool

We took our first steps into social nudity at a wellness centre. For those of you who are not from Belgium, Germany, or The Netherlands, wellness centres are like water parks for grown-ups. They offer a variety of swimming pools, saunas, hammams, hot tubs, cold tubs, massages, and other things that are meant to give you total relaxation. Nudity is the dress code at these places, for reasons that we’ll get to in a moment. … Read more

When Amazon came to the Nudist Resort

When Amazon came to the Nudist Resort

Once upon a time, The United States was known as “The land of freedom”. The place where everything was possible. A refuge for 19th-century Europeans who felt suffocated or persecuted in their home countries and dreamt of a better life. Everything, even the complete impossible, was possible in America.   Today, especially in naturist circles, Europeans like to joke about the USA. Land of freedom… yeah right. Land where you’re likely to get fired or … Read more

Why more people than you think support naturism

Why more people than you think support naturism

A couple of years ago, we were hiking with friends in some woods in France towards a creek. The idea was to have a small picnic and a skinny dip once we’d get there. It was really a spot in the middle of nowhere, but luck wasn’t on our side and when we arrived, two women were fishing for crayfish.   “So far the skinny dipping”, we thought, but one of us did walk up … Read more

Getting comfortable around naked people

Getting comfortable around naked people

You are not going to believe this… The other day, we received a message from a reporter at an online magazine, asking us to comment on a message from a reader who feels uncomfortable when his nudist girlfriend spends time naked with her dog. Even claiming that “it’s something out of an illegal adult movie for her to be naked with an animal all the time”.   We thought it was a joke. Until we … Read more

To provoke, or not to provoke?

To provoke, or not to provoke?

We’re on an island called Koh Rong Sanloem, off the coast of Cambodia. There’s no naturism here, nor anywhere else in the country. For the last couple of days, we’ve been asking several expats if they think it would be possible to start a naturist resort here. The locals are mostly fishermen or run small shops or restaurants. They don’t care much about us tourists. Although their culture and Buddhist religion isn’t really favourable to … Read more

The growing trend of Naturist Tourism

The growing trend of Naturist Tourism

Naturism and vacations have always gone hand in hand, even in times long before the commercial resorts. In those days, the local naturist club was a great weekend getaway, and during the summer holidays, the tent was packed or the caravan hooked up to spend some time without clothes at a club a bit further away.   Then someone must have realised that they were missing out on an opportunity. There must be naturists who … Read more

Should you go to an adults-only naturist resort?

Should you go to an adult-only naturist resort?

Naturism has always been promoted as a family-friendly thing, best enjoyed when you take your partner and your kids. For the large majority of naturist resorts around the world, families are still the preferred type of guest. But for a couple of years, we’ve been seeing a rapid increase of resorts that’ll ask you to leave the kids at home.   In the mind of the cautious naturist traveller, this immediately sets off a number … Read more

WhatsApp Naturism

WhatsApp Naturism

The other day we were invited by a friend to visit their naturist camp. Not the kind of campsite that we’re used to in Europe, that’s open throughout the season and where people come and go. It was more like a pop-up camp. A group of naturists rented out a whole, usually textile, campsite just north of Cape Town and turned it naturist throughout the weekend.   This is not uncommon in South Africa, last … Read more

Can endemic naturism be the future?

Can endemic naturism be the future?

We are in South Africa, a country that is known – among many other things – for its vibrant mix of cultures. The fact that there are 11 official languages probably says enough, people from many different backgrounds are packed together in the southern tip of the African continent. A lot of this has to do with the country’s strategic position on the historical sailing route of the Dutch East India Company. It was a … Read more