Why a Nude Vacation is a Great New Experience

Why a Nude Vacation is a Great New Experience

During the height of the COVID pandemic, nude vacations have seen significant growth. The reason was pretty obvious. People were looking for safe spaces to travel to, preferably somewhere in nature, where social distancing can easily be practiced, and where you can bring your own accommodation, food, and utensils. This is pretty much the definition of an everyday naturist campground. The fact that they would also have to leave the bathing suit at home was … Read more

10 Things you should know about Clothes-Free Resorts

10 Things you should know about Clothes-Free Resorts

Throughout our travels, we got the chance to talk with many people who enjoy some sort of social nudity. It could be just at home or in the garden with close family members, or at meetups with friends. Some go to nude events, nude yoga classes, or nude beaches. But we’re always surprised how only a small percentage of these people have ever been to a clothes-free resort.   The number one reason why not, … Read more

The Nudist Camp of 2024

The Nudist Camp of 2024

The other day, an ignorant friend asked if we found any nudist colonies in Ibiza. He didn’t mean any harm, but literally every hair in both our necks went straight up. If there is one term we have detested ever since we’ve taken our first steps into social nudity, it was “nudist colony”. We know the word “colony” mostly from history class and immediately link it to imperialism, oppression and slavery. Pretty much the opposite … Read more

How to Find your Clothes-Free Style

How to Find your Clothes-Free Style

If there’s one thing we learned from diving very deep into the naked world for almost 7 years in a row now, it’s that there’s there’s no one-size-fits-all. Or, as we like to say, there are as many naturisms or nudisms as there are naturists or nudists.   The other day, we received a message from a couple who had their first clothes-free experience in Resort X and very much disliked it. It came as … Read more

Nudity as a Tool

Nudity as a Tool

We took our first steps into social nudity at a wellness centre. For those of you who are not from Belgium, Germany, or The Netherlands, wellness centres are like water parks for grown-ups. They offer a variety of swimming pools, saunas, hammams, hot tubs, cold tubs, massages, and other things that are meant to give you total relaxation. Nudity is the dress code at these places, for reasons that we’ll get to in a moment. … Read more

Clothing-Optional: What does it mean?

Clothing-Optional: What does it mean?

We visited several clothing-optional resorts lately and were kinda surprised of how many questions we received about this concept. Especially on our Instagram Stories, because that’s where you can follow our travels live (in case you didn’t know this yet). Most people know naturism and/or nudism as these terms have existed for over a century. Clothing-Optional is rather new, from what we read, it only started being used in the eighties or nineties.     … Read more

What Makes Naturists Some of the Friendliest People Around

What Makes Naturists Some of the Friendliest People Around

December 12, 2016. To most of you, this date will probably not ring many bells. Neither to us, as a matter of fact, except that this day we published a blog post called “Why are naturists such friendly people“. We had only been blogging for a couple of months and the reason we tackled this topic so early in our journey was because the friendliness of naturists had been one of the cornerstones of our … Read more

Why more people than you think support naturism

Why more people than you think support naturism

A couple of years ago, we were hiking with friends in some woods in France towards a creek. The idea was to have a small picnic and a skinny dip once we’d get there. It was really a spot in the middle of nowhere, but luck wasn’t on our side and when we arrived, two women were fishing for crayfish.   “So far the skinny dipping”, we thought, but one of us did walk up … Read more

How old is naturism really?

How old is naturism really?

We sometimes refer to the very beginnings of naturism to make a point in one of our blog posts. Most of the time, we’ll then tell you about a group of Germans who got tired of all those new factories in their city and wanted to start a more healthy way of living by exposing themselves completely to nature.   Whenever we tell this story, some people will refer to much more ancient times. To … Read more

We Answered the 5 Most Common Newbie Naturist Questions (according to AI)

We Answered the 5 Most Common Newbie Naturist Questions (according to AI)

After pretty much a decade and a half of being naturists, we sometimes seem to find it difficult to understand what it’s like to be a newbie naturist. To us, it feels so natural. It’s something we don’t even think about anymore. In fact, we often need to remind ourselves to put on clothes when we happen to stay at a non-naturist place.   To regain our understanding of newbie naturists, we used ChatGPT to … Read more