Our Big Naked Italian Road Trip 2021

In our previous blog post, you could read all about our visions for the future of Naked Wanderings. We have some pretty good ideas to make the whole concept more interesting, of which our new vlogs will definitely be a significant part. And we also want to focus more on what the traveling naturist enjoys. The Costa Blanca region in Spain has been a great place to try out our new concept, but we started looking for a destination where we could really get the best out of the two worlds: naturism and traveling.


As one of the most important vacation destinations in Europe and even the world, Italy has never really made the charts yet when it comes to naturist vacations. They are, of course, geographically stuck between the grand prize winners France and Croatia. But they have something that no other country in the world has: Awesome pizza. Nah, just kidding, they have the advantage that they are ITALY, a country with so much natural beauty, cultural history, and splendid cuisine. According to the CEIC data, almost 70 million people are visiting Italy each year. At least some of them would like to stay at a naturist resort, no?


Our friends in Italy

Back in 2019, we visited several naturist resorts in Italy and we had an amazing time. We wondered why not more people wanted to explore the naturist options in the country and wrote several blog posts about the wonders of a naturist vacation in Italy. This time, we want to dive deeper into the subject. First of all, we will be taking a couple of cameras to put it all on tape and to publish our whole experience on YouTube. Also, we want to experience the real naturist Italy.


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It’s not that we know everything about Italy and we definitely don’t like to act as if we do. But we do have made some interesting friends along the way. So we decided to reach out to the Italian Naturist Federation (FENAIT) and explain our goal. We said “Ciao”, as that is basically the only word that we know in Italian, “we want to experience both what it’s like to have a naturist vacation as what it’s like to be an Italian naturist”. Guess what they said…

Our Big Naked Italian Road Trip

Naked Wanderings goes Italian

They said, “Sure, we’ll help you with every step along the way”. How cool is that? Most tourists only get to see a country from the outside, the highlights. Thanks to FENAIT, we will get access to inside information. We immediately decided that this would be an excellent angle for our vlog. Not just giving you information about the naturist resorts that you can visit as a tourist, but getting a glimpse of what it is to be an Italian naturist. Or an Italian in general.


Shortly summarized, we’re planning to travel for one month through the country. From Grottamiranda in the very south all the way to Costalunga in the north. Visiting 5 more naturist resorts along the way. Have a look at our Itinerary Page for the exact places and dates.


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Other than visiting naturist resorts, we will go to nude beaches, meet up with local naturist organizations, and discover the best that Italy has to offer.

Our Big Naked Italian Road Trip


Help us get the best out of it

The support that we receive from FENAIT is, of course, very helpful. But we can use all the help that we can get. So if you have some insider tips, know about hidden treasures, have a favorite dish that we definitely need to try, or anything else that could make this trip even more interesting, DO SEND US A MESSAGE! All help is very much appreciated.


Maybe we will see you in Italy. And if not, you can definitely see us in Italy on our YouTube channel.

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