The Pressure of Going Naked

The Pressure of Going Naked

A couple of years ago, we’ve been front row spectators of one of the saddest scenes that we ever encountered on our naturist travels, and we’ve seen quite a lot. Remember, we’ve been to Cap d’Agde once. This had nothing to do with sex though. We were lazing away in the sun beds of a very genuine naturist resort and in the corner of our eye, we saw a new couple arriving from the reception … Read more

What You Need to Know Before Having a Nude Massage

What You Need to Know Before Having a Nude Massage

We love massages. They are so relaxing, and if they’re done well, we feel like a different person once we walk out of the massage room. Our muscles feel as if they’re brand new and that sweet smell lasts until your next shower. If we were rich, we would probably have massages every day. In fact, that’s pretty much what happened in Thailand. We didn’t get rich there, unfortunately, but the massages are amazingly low … Read more

Smartphones at Naturist Resorts: Take em or Break em?

Smartphones at Naturist Resorts: Take em or Break em?

We often call ourselves the “digital generation”. The Internet found its way into our homes when we were early teenagers. Before we were allowed to drive a car, the squeaking modem sounds got replaced by the fiber that helped Napster infuriate the music industry. After that, we’ve just been experiencing one revolution after the other. We were the early adopters of social media. Well, at least of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, TikTok is still a … Read more

Why the Whole World Needs to Know that You're a Naturist

Why the Whole World Needs to Know that You’re a Naturist

One of the biggest struggles within naturism is the taboo that’s still hanging like a dark cloud over our wonderful lifestyle. It’s so incredibly annoying. We have discovered this great thing in which we feel free and liberated, where people still respect each other, where we can fully enjoy nature and where we can feel confident about our bodies. And everyone else thinks that we’re perverts.   It’s a common point of discussion at the … Read more

Musings About the Double Standard in Naturism

Musings About the Double Standard in Naturism

During our first years as naturists, we thought that we had a pretty solid idea of the scope of naturism. From our experience, naturism was generally practiced as a couple, most naturists are middle-aged or above (with the exception of a handful of naturist families) and naturists can be found on campgrounds, on beaches and in spas. It’s an idea that stuck with us for quite a long time. Until we started exploring what else … Read more

Do we really consider nudity as normal?

Do We Really Consider Nudity as Normal?

We are nudists. Or naturists if you will. Or just people who enjoy being nude outside of the bedroom and bathroom. Alone or in the presence of others. And this habit of ours has absolutely nothing to do with sex or some kind of fetish. We just enjoy being nude.   This is how we often describe our lifestyle to others who don’t know anything about it. We don’t really care about how they call … Read more

Why We Love Nudism and Why You Will Too

Why We Love Nudism and Why You Will Too

We like to say that our first steps into nudism happened by accident. It’s a story we’ve probably already told a million times. More than a decade ago, Lins got a coupon saying “Spa for two” for her birthday. We got to choose between maybe 50 different wellness centers (we have quite a lot of those in Belgium). While browsing their websites, we noticed that they all looked different. Some large, some small, some private, … Read more

Why do naturists wear clothes?

Why do naturists wear clothes?

We ran into an acquaintance on the street the other day and she said: “Oh my God, I almost didn’t recognize you guys with clothes on”. A line many of you might be familiar with. It’s probably the most popular joke among naturists. After hearing it a million times or more, we still smile and reply something cheesy like “Sssst. We’re incognito. We’re trying to avoid the paparazzi”.   Although the joke does get a … Read more

Getting ready for your first naturist experience

Getting Ready for Your First Naturist Experience

Maybe you’ve been following this blog for a while. Or maybe you’ve just read something about naturism in a magazine or you saw a TV program about this naked lifestyle. In any case, your imagination got tickled. Questions start buzzing through your head. How would things be if you wouldn’t be wearing any clothes? Would you be able to get closer to nature without these artificial textile boundaries? Is it really true that humans can … Read more

Why You have to try nudism while in your thirties

Why You Have to Try Nudism While in Your Thirties

What’s a good age to start with nudism? Maybe the best timing is just from day one. The moment you’re born. You’re nude anyway, so why don’t just stay like this for the rest of your life? It’s a great idea, but unfortunately at that age the choice isn’t yours. If you’re not born in a naturist family, someone will take away your nude freedom within the next minutes.   The following years aren’t much … Read more