Naturism is a wonderful lifestyle that we try to enjoy as much as possible. In as many places as possible. Most of the time we share our own views on the different aspects of nudism but once in a while, we like to pass the mic to hear about how someone else’s experiences. Via this Naturist Talks interview series, we listen to naturists from all over the world. They share their experiences, tips, and stories about naturism, and thanks to them we keep learning about the different aspects of life in the nude.
Our guest for today is Marc, a naturist from France and colleague blogger at
Hello Marc, please tell us something about yourself
Hi. My name is Marc, married, 52. I’m a geek, worked in IT all my life in various capacities and companies, and now running my own consulting practice. I live in the South of France, near Béziers. I am an avid runner and hiker. I’m staying fit by doing as much sport as my professional engagements permit, sometimes juggling around a lot of travels. I love being in nature and at sea. I am kite-surfing, windsurfing, and sailing. I also enjoy cooking and sharing a glass of wine with friends.
Beyond this, I love to write. I have created my naturist blog,, a while back, and am currently working on a new version of it. I have written a couple of naturist stories and novels that I am editing currently to publish later. Naturism inspires me a lot!
How and at what age did you become a naturist?

This experience led to getting naked in nature, still as a kid. My grandmother owned a small forest where a river was flowing. In summer, every time we spent a weekend there, I was naked, frolicking around and swimming without clothes on.
After forgetting about those naturist experiences, a few years later, as a young adult, I managed to end up on a nude beach in the Cote d’Azur, in France. Dropping my swimsuit felt natural and I guess this is the time naturism really hit me. This day, as an adult, changed my life forever and the rapport I had with nudity.
Then, around 15 years from now, while moving the family to the South of France (we were living in Paris then), I discovered naked hiking. Internet being what it is, I quickly discovered I was not alone loving hiking in the buff, and my life flipped again to embrace naturism as a natural and normal lifestyle I enjoy as much as possible now.
Is naturism allowed in your country and what’s the public opinion?
France is the kingdom of naturism, shall I say! With hundreds of beaches, camp parks, resorts, and even villages, and now naturist activities outside of naturist sites, it’s possible to be naked more and more, all along the year.
I would say most people don’t care about naturists and nudists. Nudity is well respected on nude beaches for instance and sometimes tolerated on textile ones. It seems more and more tolerated on hiking trails as well.
What do you think is the best and worst thing about naturism?
The best thing is the sense of freedom naturism provides.
The worst thing is when textiles shame naturism and naturists. But hey, diversity is necessary.
The worst thing is when textiles shame naturism and naturists. But hey, diversity is necessary.
Do you find it easy to make naturist friends?
When you are active on the web, on your site, on mine, on twitter, on Naktiv, you e-meet many people that can become e-friends and sometimes friends when you happen to meet them in person.
When you are going to nude beaches and naturist places, you meet other naturists and some become friends.
When you are going to nude beaches and naturist places, you meet other naturists and some become friends.
Naturists are normal people. Beyond the love of being naked that we all share, we may or may not share other ideas or activities, like with textiles. So overall yes, it’s easy to make naturist friends as long as you are open, respectful, and friendly.
What’s the best tip you have for beginning naturists?
First of all, just do it! People tend to overthink. We live in a world where appearances have become so important that we think others judge others permanently. The first time, as an adult, I went naked on this nude beach, I was surprised that nobody was staring at each other. Every beach-goer was minding his or her own life, just naked. It’s almost always the case (except when you have this annoying voyeur sitting 2 meters away and staring at you, which happens sometimes).
The second tip is if you do not like the place, just change. It’s not because a beach is a nude one, it’s a pleasant one for you. The same goes for campgrounds. Naturist places are normal places, you need to feel good!
The third tip is: don’t start with the Cap d’Agde or many “lifestyle” resort! I laughed at your article about the Cap d’Agde. It’s not a naturist place anymore, it has become a sexual theatre over time.
Last, but maybe not least, don’t hide. Be open about being a naturist, at least to your spouse, family, and close friends. Others may judge you negatively, we have to live with this, as some people are totally close-minded about naturism and nudity in general. But for the people you love and who love you, be open and share freely your love for naturism. Whenever I visit my parents and the weather is good, I am naked at their place. When friends come at home, they know I will be naked at the pool and sometimes also in the house.
Anything else you’d like to share with our audience?
The story that comes to mind is about nudity being so normal you forget it’s not possible everywhere to be naked. Sometimes, when going to the beach, I leave naked from home, drive naked to the beach and come back with the same outfit. Once, it was late in the morning, last Spring. The sun was shining, not a single cloud, so I decided I would be going to have the lunch break at the beach. But I had to stop at the bakery first to buy some bread. While parking at the bakery, I realized that as I did not take any clothing, apart from my towel which was in my bag in the boot. I had to go out of the car, naked, open the boot, and wrap the towel around my waist, just to enter the bakery. If anybody saw me getting out of the car naked, nobody said anything and I could purchase my bread with a smile. As I was saying, we tend to overthink sometimes.
My last comment is to all newbies or curious people, sitting on the naturist fence: don’t hesitate any longer! Just take the plunge. Naturism is the best possible lifestyle. Social nudity has so many benefits that it’s a pity not to enjoy them. Push your boundaries and become a naturist. There’s nothing to regret and so much to discover!
Thank you so much for your participation Marc!
Do you also want to tell your story and experiences in naturism? Please get in touch via the CONTACT page! As long as we have people who like to contribute, we can keep The Naturist Talks running!

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Wow , Yugoslavia 🙂
So i take that was prolly around the 80s then.
Was interesting tho that all out whole of France, they came to Yugoslavia for a nude beach vacation heh.
Funny/sad thing is, that back then, in a communist country, it was more tolerated then it is today.
N&L, i dunno if i asked when we were talking about this subject, but what was ur take about the % of locals or other “Yugoslav” countries at the beaches in Croatia? I mean i know u dont know the language ,so u wouldnt be able to tell, tho all of those crotatian serbian montenegrian bosnian and somewhat slovenian and macedonian are all similar from 50 to 100% ,but im sure u could understand whos Italian or French German Dutch there.. would be fun to know from todays standpoint, what % of locals actually are nudies, me, without even being there or checking, id say its very very low.
From our experience in Croatia & Montenegro, people from former Yugoslav countries were definitely a minority at the resorts, but there was definitely a fair share on the nude beaches. That’s a bit the thing, why would you go to a resort in your own country? There are also more Italians in the Croatian naturist resorts than in the Italian ones 🙂
I dunno, ppl maybe love to think that the grass is greener on the other side, or perhaps they “dont wanna be seen” ,altho lol , on a nude beach , u can only be seen by another nudie,so, that wouldnt make sence .. the only thing that makes sence is that uve seen it all and wanna go somewhere else to see something new.
And of course the prices, again.. i wouldnt know, but for sure a French or a German makes way more money then any1 in the post Yugoslavia, hence the prices are lower ,or should be by logic, so thats another good reason ,why would u spend 50e for a dinner in some French or Spanish restaurant when u can do the same for 20e in Croatia.
But ya, to me that fascinating thing, well again, i wasnt there ever, not now , not in the Yugoslav days, but in general then, then , we even had a nudist movie made then called Lepota Poroka, we even had porn magazines sold in kiosks (you know, the little house on the street corners where they sell newspapers,magazines ,cigarettes,sodas,gums..) so it was all out facing the custimers, not hidden,anyone could see the covers, no wonder bubble gums were “popular” among young teens back then, always had a good excuse to go to a kiosk lol ,…but ya, look at how it is today , in the new “free” and “democratic” societies .. how odd is that.
We think it’s mostly because lots of people just like to spend their holidays in another country. It probably feels more like a holiday. And maybe also the fear of running into someone they know. Which is a bit weird… The majority of Italian naturists go to Croatia for their nakations. So the chance of running into someone in Croatia is probably higher than at the nude beach next door 🙂
You’re right about how the world is changing. Some time ago we were watching a TV-show from the eighties… The things they could say on TV back in the day, incredible. It wouldn’t be possible today, because we might offend someone. We always wonder if people actually are more easily offended today, or if it’s just the idea.
“We think it’s mostly because lots of people just like to spend their holidays in another country. It probably feels more like a holiday.”
Thats true, i agree, same for me, if i could afford to go to a summer holiday at sea, id most likely go to Croatia but only for nostalgic reasons, but id much rather go to a place where i “dunno” the language,tho every1 speaks english now so…
Well yea, thats how it is today sadly .. ppl are not more easliy offended today, its the “we made new rules to whats normal and whats not” thing, that causes this,the only thing i dont understand is WHY !?!?!
Let me demonstrate lol .. here few years ago we had a problem here with some levels of toxin in milk .. so how did they slove the problem? They raised the level of tolerance .. there u go, problem solved…
But as u said, it wasnt incredible what they said back then on TV, its incredible that they CANNOT say that now as well!
Altho anyhow, i was more comparing the siutation here, since everyone always knows how to be a smartass these days, and talk about communism or similar, while only seing it in Rocky 4, Rambo 3 , Telephone or the Hunt For The Red October .. the thing that amazed me is that i can tell fist hand, the “society”, i hate that word btw, was more open then,then it is now in the “democratic” world in this part of Europe… thats the thing that i cannot understand.
I know its off subject and that somehow sex or porn always gets into the subject, but i just read today an article, if its true, that in Aussie then wanna make a face 3d scan for everyone that wants to watch porn online so they can prevent “kids” from watching it, i mean like WTF? A face scan? 2019? Australia? Western democratic civilization?..