Why a Nude Vacation is a Great New Experience

Why a Nude Vacation is a Great New Experience

During the height of the COVID pandemic, nude vacations have seen significant growth. The reason was pretty obvious. People were looking for safe spaces to travel to, preferably somewhere in nature, where social distancing can easily be practiced, and where you can bring your own accommodation, food, and utensils. This is pretty much the definition of an everyday naturist campground. The fact that they would also have to leave the bathing suit at home was … Read more

10 Things you should know about Clothes-Free Resorts

10 Things you should know about Clothes-Free Resorts

Throughout our travels, we got the chance to talk with many people who enjoy some sort of social nudity. It could be just at home or in the garden with close family members, or at meetups with friends. Some go to nude events, nude yoga classes, or nude beaches. But we’re always surprised how only a small percentage of these people have ever been to a clothes-free resort.   The number one reason why not, … Read more

Europe's best countries for nude beach vacations

Europe’s best countries for nude beach vacations

If you’re following us on YouTube on our Nick and Lins channel and especially our Destination Clothes Free channel, you may have noticed that we’ve been spending a lot of time on nude beaches recently. It wasn’t always like that. For much of our naturist-history, we have been prioritising nude resorts. Mostly because the variety of things to do is just so much bigger than on a nude beach.   Only after visiting some spectacular … Read more

The Nudist Camp of 2024

The Nudist Camp of 2024

The other day, an ignorant friend asked if we found any nudist colonies in Ibiza. He didn’t mean any harm, but literally every hair in both our necks went straight up. If there is one term we have detested ever since we’ve taken our first steps into social nudity, it was “nudist colony”. We know the word “colony” mostly from history class and immediately link it to imperialism, oppression and slavery. Pretty much the opposite … Read more

Why Social Nudity has Never Been Bigger than Today

Why Social Nudity is Larger than Ever

Is the end of naturism showing up on the horizon? Are we all becoming more prude than ever before? Are drones, smartphones, TikTok, and Instagram forcing our youth to put on another layer of clothing rather than take one off? Will new technology make sure that soon babies are born wearing pyjamas? Well, it is according to this article (except for the pyjama baby, we just made that up) and it’s the biggest bullshit we … Read more

How to Find your Clothes-Free Style

How to Find your Clothes-Free Style

If there’s one thing we learned from diving very deep into the naked world for almost 7 years in a row now, it’s that there’s there’s no one-size-fits-all. Or, as we like to say, there are as many naturisms or nudisms as there are naturists or nudists.   The other day, we received a message from a couple who had their first clothes-free experience in Resort X and very much disliked it. It came as … Read more

6 Steps for Planning and Booking the Perfect Clothes-Free vacation

6 Steps for Planning and Booking the Perfect Clothes-Free Resort

In last week’s blog post, we talked about a lot of new online tools that are helpful for booking and organising vacations, and about how they are often limiting to us, who like to go to places where clothes are not part of the dress code. We received a lot of responses to this post, confirming how it can be hard to find naturist, nudist, or clothing-optional destinations.   Especially for first-timers, finding your way … Read more

A New Way of Clothes-Free Camping

A New Way of Clothes-Free Camping

Before we started our Naked Wanderings journey, we once took a gap year to go backpacking around Latin America. Thinking back of it now, the way we used to travel couldn’t have been more different than it is today. And not just because we wore clothes at the time.   Back in the day, we didn’t have apps or international sim cards. When we arrived at a new destination, we had to figure out how … Read more

Nudity as a Tool

Nudity as a Tool

We took our first steps into social nudity at a wellness centre. For those of you who are not from Belgium, Germany, or The Netherlands, wellness centres are like water parks for grown-ups. They offer a variety of swimming pools, saunas, hammams, hot tubs, cold tubs, massages, and other things that are meant to give you total relaxation. Nudity is the dress code at these places, for reasons that we’ll get to in a moment. … Read more

Get Naked Australia: Sydney Harbour Cruise

How to Organise a Controversial Naked Event

Around 10 am, the first guests start arriving. Some still looking sleepy, recovering from yesterday’s night out, others already enjoying their first beer of the day. Most are roughly between the ages of 25 and 50. An Uber arrives to drop off the DJ. Several days earlier, she was still spinning records in Ibiza, but she seemed to have recovered surprisingly well from the jetlag. Or she just got very good at hiding it.   … Read more