Europe's best countries for nude beach vacations

Europe’s best countries for nude beach vacations

If you’re following us on YouTube on our Nick and Lins channel and especially our Destination Clothes Free channel, you may have noticed that we’ve been spending a lot of time on nude beaches recently. It wasn’t always like that. For much of our naturist-history, we have been prioritising nude resorts. Mostly because the variety of things to do is just so much bigger than on a nude beach.   Only after visiting some spectacular … Read more

Our most memorable nude beaches around the world

Our most memorable nude beaches around the world

Given our experience in travelling to naked places, we’re often being asked for “Best of” lists. What’s our favourite country? What’s our favourite resort? What’s our favourite nude beach? What’s our favourite brand of G-string to wear on the nude beach? Okay, that last question was just one dude. The thing is, it’s so very hard to give you an accurate answer because we don’t know anything about G-strings. And the other questions are even … Read more

How To Find a Great Nude Beach

First-time experiences can not be overestimated. They are often a decisive factor that may influence the rest of your life. A while ago, we were talking to friends about naturism and they told us that they had once visited Cap d’ Agde and decided that naturism wasn’t something for them. When we dug a bit deeper, it became obvious that their perception of naturism was nothing like ours. Well, it could have been, if Cap … Read more

Our Favorite nude beaches in Europe

Our Favorite nude beaches in Europe

Europe is no doubt the best place in the world for naturism. You can find all types of naturist resorts, ranging from small 2-bedroom guesthouses to actual naturist villages, and everything in between. Most European countries have at least one and probably more (if not a lot) nude beaches.   To give you an example, Spain has over 400 official nude beaches. That is more than all non-European countries together. We’ve been travelling extensively through … Read more

Why you should support naturist beach associations

Why You Should Support Naturist Beach Associations

Nude beaches can have many different atmospheres. On some you’ll find plenty of families enjoying a sunny afternoon, on others you get the feeling that every other visitor has a hidden agenda. On some, it seems like nobody cares about your nudity, while on others there appear to be people who just came to look at you. There are nude beaches where literally every visitor is naked, and there are those where the clothed visitors … Read more

The best websites to find naturist resorts and beaches

The Best Websites to Find Naturist Resorts and Nude Beaches

We are regularly asked for a complete overview of all the naturist places in a certain country or region, or even in the world. This is something that this website is indeed lacking. That’s not because we never thought about it, or because we are too lazy to create this, but rather because we don’t think this fits within the concept of Naked Wanderings. The core of our website is still a blog in which … Read more

12 Excellent European naturist resorts with a nude beach

12 Excellent European Naturist Resorts with a Nude Beach

What does your preferred naturist destination look like? Which feature does it need to have for you to consider visiting the place?   We’re not just asking you this, it’s a question we’ve been asking many naturists during our travels. The number one answer by far is that there has to be nature. The majority of the naturists we meet prefer greenery over concrete. Which didn’t exactly come as a surprise. Within nature, the choices … Read more

Can you really get naked on every beach in Spain?

Can you really get naked on every beach in Spain?

If you’re following the naturist news on social media, it was hard not to notice the interesting news update that came from Spain. The City Council of Cadiz in Andalucia announced that from now on, all the local beaches would be naturist friendly. This might have come as a surprise to some of you because Spain happens to be that one country in which it’s known that it’s okay to be naked on all beaches. … Read more

Will mass tourism kill naturism?

Will mass tourism kill naturism?

About a year ago, we visited the Racó del Conill nude beach, just south of the Spanish city Benidorm, for the first time. Little did we know that due to the upcoming travel restrictions, this would become our naturist getaway for months to come. We loved spending time at this beach. It was the middle of winter, but thanks to the surrounding mountains that blocked the cold wind, clothes-free sunbathing and even an occasional skinny … Read more

The Importance of Protecting Our Nude Beaches

The Importance of Protecting Our Nude Beaches

Spain is one of the few countries in the world where nudity in public places is completely legal. Really, if we decided to walk out of our door naked this afternoon for a long stroll on Benidorm boulevard, there’s not a single law that can prohibit us from doing so. But that’s not the plan for today. Although we like to strive for a world in which nudity is normalized, we also realize that we’re … Read more