Review: Borgo Corniola near Bologna, Italy

Oh, how much have we been looking forward to this moment? Finally, the Europe part of our nude journey around the world has kicked off! Not that we didn’t like the other continents, certainly not. But Europe is still the place to find the widest variety of naturist options. Which happens to be exactly what we are looking for. The first country on our itinerary, Italy, might not be THAT famous for naturism (yet). However, it’s certainly a place where naturism is growing fast lately. Something we don’t want to miss for the world!


We start our Italian trip in the Romagna region and more specifically in the valley of the Acerreta river. The locals call this place the valley of “silence and nudity”. Silence because of the meditation resort which organizes silence retreats, but that was not what drew us here. We came for the nude part, which we found at a beautiful naturist B&B called Borgo Corniola.


How to get to Borgo Corniola

Borgo Corniola is conveniently located right between Bologna and Florence, two cities with an international airport that serves many European destinations. While Florence might appear nearer on the map, Bologna is your best bet if you want to get to Borgo Corniola as soon as possible. If you’re flying in from outside of Europe you will most likely have a connection in Rome or any other major European transportation hub.


If you’re traveling from within Italy or the nearby countries, a much more ecological and fun option is arriving by train. Coming from the direction of Florence, you can take the scenic train ride towards Marradi. From the direction of Bologna, you can take the train to either Faenza or reconnect in Faenza towards Marradi. The staff at Borgo Corniola can arrange transportation from either train station. This is better than arranging your own taxi because most taxi drivers will have no idea where you want to go.


In any case, we would recommend you to rent a car. Not only to get to Borgo Corniola but also to visit the wonderful region during your stay. Lots of car rental options can be found in Florence and Bologna. From Florence, you take the SR302 towards Faenza, and just after Marradi you follow the direction Lutirano. From Bologna, you take the A14 to Faenza, from there the road to Modigliana and afterward to Lutirano. GPS is very much recommended.

Where to stay at Borgo Corniola

Borgo Corniola is a large place but a small bed and breakfast. Does that make any sense? What we’re trying to say is that the smart connection of the different buildings really creates a large complex. More than once the owners asked us “did you get lost again?” at which we replied “no, of course not”, quickly trying to figure out which way to go. Nevertheless, Borgo Corniola has only three guest rooms: The Wayfarer’s Quadruple Room which has two bunk beds, ideal for friends traveling together. The Master Double Room is perfect for couples and top of the bill is The River Suite, which doesn’t only have a large bedroom but also a huge upstairs lounge area with couches and a TV.


We were lucky to stay at The River Suite and we can definitely recommend it. Just like all rooms the thick stone walls and hardwood furniture give the room a somewhat medieval character. Located right next to the river, the streaming water was our lullaby in the evening and our wake up song in the morning. That in combination with the sound of the birds of course.
During the day, the extra lounge area was not particularly of any good use because we had amazing weather and spent most of our nude time outside. But when the temperatures went down in the evening we were happy to have another place to retreat to than our bed.


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Important to mention is that all rooms come with complimentary breakfast and usage of the spa facilities (see further). In case you’re traveling with a large group, you even have the option to rent the whole property which puts 12 people comfortably to bed.

Review: Borgo Corniola near Bologna, Italy

What to do at Borgo Corniola

Borgo Corniola is more than just your regular B&B. Their 30 person sauna is one of the highlights of the place and attracts day visitors from the whole region during weekends. They often organize “aufguss” sessions where the sauna master takes control of the heat, music, and smells. Something not to be missed if you’re into sauna. You can also join Francesco during his daily morning workout if you dare. The necessary cool down after a sauna session or a workout takes place at the river, another highlight at Borgo Corniola.


The Acerreta river passes through the property and you are more than welcome to take a refreshing skinny dip. The banks of the river are also perfect for sunbathing or relaxing in the shade of a tree. “Relaxing” is pretty much the keyword when we’re talking about Borgo Corniola. Sunbeds are spread over the whole property: next to the river, near the sauna where you get optimal sun, and at several other spots where you have a bit more privacy.


A lunch and dinner service is possible on request and to end your day (or to start it if you want) there’s the large jacuzzi. We can strongly recommend you to get down to the jacuzzi in the evening when the outside temperatures drop and you have a sight of millions of stars above, accompanied by fireflies. This is the moment when you realize that you’re going to do exactly the same thing tomorrow.

Review: Borgo Corniola near Bologna, Italy

Around Borgo Corniola

We’ve heard stories of visitors who came to Borgo Corniola for a week or maybe two and never even left the property. After having been here ourselves, we can easily see why. For the more active among you, there are lots of things to do in the region. Very nearby are Marradi, Tredozio, and Modigliana. All off the beaten track Italian villages like you’ve seen them in the movies. You may find yourself there for a morning coffee and a snack and hours later sipping local wine watching life go by. Not regretting that you haven’t visited anything else than Modigliana town center. We speak from experience.


Also nearby are Imola, which has a beautiful town center, and Faenza of which we’ve been told that it has one of the best pottery museums in the world. A famous pottery maker from Faenza is also a regular guest at Borgo Corniola, by the way. Yes, she’s the one who told us about the museum.


Certainly worth a day trip is Bologna, home of the Bolognese sauce which you’ll have a really hard time finding. We’ll save you a stroll through many restaurants by telling you that this sauce is actually called “ragu” in Bologna. Pretty weird, we agree. Then there’s Florence, home to stories in uncountable books and movies but most of all to Michelangelo (the artist, not the ninja turtle). Some of his most magnificent work is still displayed in Florence, among which the well known “David” statue. Other than that, Florence is also known for its wonderful architecture and impressive churches.


Nature lovers can find their thing right at the end of the road of Borgo Corniola. Several hiking trails will lead you through the beautiful hilly landscape which is so typical for Italy. Many of the small roads are also perfect for cycling. There’s a wine route nearby full of “obligatory” stopping points. It’s just a tip.

Review: Borgo Corniola near Bologna, Italy

Staff of Borgo Corniola

Laura and Francesco, the owners of Borgo Corniola, told us a story that we’ve heard several times before. But which we keep enjoying because it leans so much to what we are doing. Getting tired of the rat race in the busy city they searched for something else, a place to live close to nature. That’s how they found Borgo Corniola. Because the building was too much for them and because human contact is of course important, they turned it into a B&B. The exact place where we are now enjoying the last sun rays of the day on our nude butts while writing their story.


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Although Borgo Corniola only exists for 4 years, to us it feels like they have been doing this forever. Their hospitality is amazing and now we just have to mention the fresh fruit Laura brought us right when we were about to finish this sentence. Then of course there was the great help they gave us when some nitwit crashed our rental car, but that’s something we’d prefer to forget as soon as possible. The crash, not the help of course.


The team is completed with Federica, who came to Borgo Corniola during their opening weekend and then just kept coming more and more until Laura and Francesca figured out that they could as well give her a job. Federica only comes during the weekends but if you encounter her you will certainly remember her contagious smile long after you’ve already left Borgo Corniola.

Review: Borgo Corniola near Bologna, Italy

Guests at Borgo Corniola

It’s always hard for us to make a decent estimation of the guests when we’re visiting in the low season, which early June still is. There is something we’ve noticed right away though. The combination of a large sauna, a jacuzzi, and a river does attract a lot of day visitors during weekend days. Some of the people we met on a regular Sunday drove for several hours to end their week as they like it the most: in the nude.


Then there are those who come on holiday and pick Borgo Corniola either as a strategic point to visit the region or as a natural getaway from everyday stress. The origin of these foreign visitors includes most European countries as well as Israel, Canada, and the USA. One thing all the guests agree on, Borgo Corniola is not a hotel. It’s a house in which you live together with Laura and Francesco and who knows which other friends you haven’t met yet. It’s all a big family.


Because of the limited amount of staying guests, the spa facilities, and the many secluded spots in corners of the building and near the river, Borgo Corniola is also an excellent place for first time naturists who prefer to take things slow before mingling with the other guests.

Review: Borgo Corniola near Bologna, Italy


Bookings at Borgo Corniola can be made via different ways but the most important are:

E-mail: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +39 349 5311729
Via the website:

It’s best to communicate in English or Italian.


Borgo Corniola is also open during the winter months when you can still have a great nude time in the sauna and the indoor areas.
Day visits are possible if (for some reason) you prefer to spend the night somewhere else.




One of the guests jokingly asked us to not praise Borgo Corniola too much. She loves the tranquil place it is today and doesn’t want the whole world to know about her secret nude oasis. We’re very sorry, but we just can’t do that. There just isn’t a single thing we would change about Borgo Corniola. But even if more guests would be coming, we doubt that Laura and Francesco would allow the place to become overcrowded.


Disclaimer: We have been invited as guests of Borgo Corniola, but of course all opinions are our own. We are super confident you will love this place as much as we did!


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7 thoughts on “Review: Borgo Corniola near Bologna, Italy”

  1. We stayed there last weekend in the river suite. I think you arrived after we left that day. What a fabulous place with warm and welcoming hosts.
    I wouldn’t change anything either!

      • Its almost like a pattern ..whenever due to mostly sexual things, weather its generally how ppl present them selfs, carnevals/various celebrations, or a oversexualized movie (not porn but a “normal” movie ,sometimes even on the edge of “legality” ,by todays “standards” anyway ) ,its crazy that all of these would make one/me think that nudeness its self is not a big deal in any of those places after the mentioned, but it turns out to be totaly the oposite of it!
        Like, England, USA and others .. majorly “restrictive” about porn ,sex, in every sence, very strict laws of this day and age anyway , yet they dont have basicly any problem with being nude in public ,beaches ,parks, bike rides .. on the other hand, countries like Italy ,Brazil , and prolly some other i cant recall are totaly the oposite of that.

  2. Borgo Corniola è pressoché incantevole!!! La tranquillità e il relax immersi nella natura sono il fulcro del Borgo. Il torrente ti coccola e puoi fare camminate sino alla cascata del rio Corniola oppure sino ai due Eremi tutto in mezzo al silenzio della natura. Laura e Francesco vi organizzano saune con rituali aufguss , massaggi e coccole in idromassaggio con acqua riscaldata anche in inverno. Un suggerimento… non perdetevelo con la neve!!


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