The Naturist Talks: Leanne from Australia

As you may have read in the very first post of this blog, one of the main reasons why we started this project is to show the world that naturists are not some strange dark commune but that actually everyone could be one… Or could enjoy being one if they took the first step.


Our main example of “everyone” is of course ourselves, we write posts about naturism in general but also about our own experiences. But some of you might be thinking “Yes sure, those two are probably just the strange kids in the block…” (nah, we know you’re not thinking that about us, but we’re trying to write an introduction here). So we decided to let other naturists have a word as well.


What you find here will be a series of interviews called The Naturist Talks, which will last as long as we find people who want to talk about their experiences with naturism. We will try to bring you a variety of people, men and women, young and a little bit less young from all over the world who told us what naturism means to them, how they got into it and how it works out for them.


So please sit back and get inspired!


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Meanwhile we already published a couple of interviews, you can find them in the The Naturist Talks section.
Today Leanne gets the word, she’s a 22 year young nudist from Australia.


Leanne is a 22 year young nudist from AustraliaHello Leanne, tell us something about yourself

Hello, I’m a 22 year old Australian woman and nudist for 8 years. I live in South Australia and work as a waitress and part time massage therapist. I’m a fitness nut. I’m always working out with the aim of being in peak physical condition. I live with my mum and her boyfriend ( so cheap when I don’t have to pay rent). I live for the summer and the outdoors. I’m happily single and love life.


How and at what age did you become a naturist?

In my early teens my then boyfriend and his mates were going to our local nude beach. They decided to dare me to join them. After a number of ‘oh come on it’ll be fun’ and ‘Everyone was born naked so what’s the big deal?’ So I decided to give it a shot. I was so surprised at how free I felt and I was hooked on my first try. We stayed for a few hours, did a lot of swimming and some beach cricket too.


Is naturism allowed in your country and what’s the public opinion?

Yes it’s allowed, we have three legal nude beaches in my state and a couple of places by the river.


We hate to divide people into groups, but we’ll do it anyway…
Do you consider yourself a naturist, a nudist or an occasional nudist?

I’m a nudist for sure. I love to be naked whenever and where ever I can.

Leanne is a 22 year young nudist from Australia

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Do you find it easy to make naturist friends?

I have made a few nudist friends by meeting them at the beach or camps. I’m always friendly to other nudists but as it is in the textile world you don’t become friends just because you have met them.


What’s the best tip you have for beginning naturists?

Always remember, the others are nude too! It’s no big deal.


Anything else you’d like to share with our audience?

I have a personal trainer and convinced him to give me a training session at the nude beach. There were lots of squats and lunges and some weights and cardio. We learned quickly that nude workouts aren’t very good and bits keep moving even after you stop.


Thank you so much for your participation Leanne!



Do you also want to tell your story and experiences in naturism? Please get in touch via the CONTACT page! As long as we have people who like to contribute, we can keep The Naturist Talks running!


Picture credit: The photos in this post are coming from Google and Twitter. If you find one of yourself and you don’t want it to be on our blog, let us know and we’ll remove it.

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6 thoughts on “The Naturist Talks: Leanne from Australia”

  1. It’s so good to read positive comments from a young female in naturism. I hope that many more young people begin enjoying the world of naturist life, at home & at leisure.

    • Thanks for your comment Patrick. We think that many young people are open for naturism, they only need to be reached. We hope we can do that to a certain level with this blog.

  2. Great post and coments put up
    Just would like to say that as I live in Victoria not much
    Happening here to be able to get nude in beaches or thing
    Like atherosclerosis places kept it up


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