Europe's best countries for nude beach vacations

Europe’s best countries for nude beach vacations

If you’re following us on YouTube on our Nick and Lins channel and especially our Destination Clothes Free channel, you may have noticed that we’ve been spending a lot of time on nude beaches recently. It wasn’t always like that. For much of our naturist-history, we have been prioritising nude resorts. Mostly because the variety of things to do is just so much bigger than on a nude beach.   Only after visiting some spectacular … Read more

Bunculuka Naturist Camping Resort in Krk, Croatia

Review: Bunculuka Naturist Camping Resort in Krk, Croatia

We have been to many naturist resorts. Some in the most scenic places, some in the most vibrant places, and some in the most unpronounceable places. And sometimes, we get to one where we can check off all three.   We had first heard about Bunculuka years ago, but only when we stepped into the reception a couple of weeks ago and a friendly face said “Welcome to Bunculuka”, we realised that we never got … Read more

The Nude Beaches of Ibiza and Formentera

The Nude Beaches of Ibiza and Formentera

If there is a place where nudity on beaches is even more accepted than in mainland Spain, it must be on the Spanish islands. Several years ago, during the period of the virus-we-don’t-talk-about-anymore, we got the chance to spend some time on the Canary Islands and found more places to get naked than we could ever wish for.   Now was about time for us to have a look at what the other islands have … Read more

The Splendid Nude Beaches of eastern Algarve, Portugal

Portugal hardly ever makes the charts when it comes to naturist vacations. This has a lot to do with its history. When naturism started booming around Western Europe in the sixties and seventies, Portugal was locked in a dictatorship that completely banned nudity. After democracy returned in the mid-seventies, it would take more than another decade before the first Naturist Law was approved by the government and naturism was legalised.   By that time, France, … Read more

INSIEME - A Naked Dream becomes Reality

The Naked Dream becomes Reality

A few months ago, we introduced you to Remi and Sandra, who dreamt of creating a brand new naturist campground in Italy. Today, this dream is taking huge leaps towards becoming a reality. There is a name, there is a place, and most of all, there is a unique opportunity for everyone to become part of this. So we asked them for an update.     Ciao tutti!   A lot has happened since our … Read more

The Best Clothing-Optional Honeymoon Destinations

The Best Clothing-Optional Honeymoon Destinations

Any vacation is better when you can spend some time without clothes, but a honeymoon is a whole other category. It’s the time to celebrate that the two of you became one YOU, and why on earth would you want to do this with clothes on? It’s often said that spending time naked together creates a special bond. Is that not exactly what you want after the rings have been exchanged?   With more than … Read more

U Furu naturist campsite in Corsica, France: Review

Review: U Furu naturist campsite in Corsica, France

Naturism in Corsica is very beach-oriented. The three large naturist resorts, Bagheera, Riva Bella, and La Chiappa, are right at the coast with direct access to a nude beach. This is not surprising, because Corsica profits from warm sea water and magnificently beautiful beaches.   Of course, the island is more than just water and sand. Those of you who can appreciate some splendid nature, high mountains, forests, waterfalls, and wildlife, can find their thing … Read more

Our Favorite nude beaches in Europe

Our Favorite nude beaches in Europe

Europe is no doubt the best place in the world for naturism. You can find all types of naturist resorts, ranging from small 2-bedroom guesthouses to actual naturist villages, and everything in between. Most European countries have at least one and probably more (if not a lot) nude beaches.   To give you an example, Spain has over 400 official nude beaches. That is more than all non-European countries together. We’ve been travelling extensively through … Read more

La Tuquette in Provence, France: Review

Review: La Tuquette in Provence, France

Naturism isn’t one size fits all. At least not anymore. There used to be a time when every naturist club or resort looked quite similar, at least in the way how things were done and organised. But those days are long gone. Every naturist has their preferences of what the perfect resort looks like. Some like beach and others like forest. Some like small cosy campsites and others like huge naturist villages. Some like an … Read more

La Plage Des Templiers in Ardèche, France: Review

Review: La Plage Des Templiers in Ardèche, France

There are more than 200 naturist campsites in France and every single one of them is unique. They all have their own atmosphere, their own nature, their own facilities and activities. Yet, when we walked through yet another row of pitches and past yet another jeu de boule court on our way to yet another swimming pool, we couldn’t stop thinking that we’d seen this many times before.   Have we been travelling too much … Read more